Nevada Career Institute Careers: White owners Seek to Profit from George Floyd Death

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Guest Contributor: Roslyn Hearn
Cyber Handle
Updated: Monday, March 31st 2025

Nevada Career Institute: George Floyd death used to mask racism, fraud, and inferior programs

Nevada Career Institute Careers and Training

Nevada Career Institute Careers: Medical, Dental, Surgical Technologist, Business Administration. All worthless! All inferior! All purported scams!

Nevada Career Institute is a fictitious name used by SOUTHWEST COLLEGE OF MEDICAL-DENTAL ASSISTANTS & PRACTICAL NURSES, INC. The entity is located at 3231 North Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, NV, 89130.

SOUTHWEST COLLEGE OF MEDICAL-DENTAL ASSISTANTS & PRACTICAL NURSES, INC. was issued license# G63-07240 to operate as Nevada Career Institute by the city of Las Vegas.

California resident Mitchell Fuerst is the principal owner of Nevada Career Institute by way of his Success Education Colleges business located in California.

Despite mounting complaints every year, Mitchell Fuerst retains his Karen every year. In this case, Karen is Mary Ann Jefferson. She is the Nevada Career Institute Campus Director.

In some African-American circles, Mitchell Fuerst has been referred to as a Blood-Sucker because his businesses in urban areas drain income from the minority community while leaving many Black students and others in debt.

In other conversations, Mitchell Fuerst and his Nevada Career Institute have been referred to as Ghetto Kingpins who target Blacks, minorities, and poor women.

A Ghetto Kingpin is a Jewish, or white person, or non-black, that targets blacks and racial minorities for profit. Mitchell Fuerst uses racial tactics he learned from his Jewish parents: target poor black consumers, and racial minorities to become rich. His tactics have led to his wealth of living in Newport Beach, CA.

In a facebook post published on May 31st, 2020, Nevada Career Institute became one of the thousands of white-managed, but Jewish-owned businesses to hypocritically proclaim solidarity with the Black Lives Matter cause despite substantial allegations of racism, and discrimination.

In fact, community activists claim that Mitchell Fuerst is using the same Jewish playbook used by countless wealthy Jews: Use fake images to support the Black community while denying them their U.S. Civil rights behind closed doors.

White boy Dree Brees, the quarterback for the New Orlean Saints is another hypocrite. After he made disparaging comments about persons taking a knee, he later attempted to apologize.

The apology from white boy Drew and his white girl wife Brittany Brees was fake.

Nazism: Nevada Career Institute Exploits George Floyd Death to Deceive More Blacks

Nevada Career Institute + North-West Colleges

Imagine if Mitchell Fuerst was operating his Nevada Career Institute in the 1940's while located in the heart of Berlin, Germany.

There is no doubt that the German Reich and their system of fair, impartial, humane, and even system of justice would be able to match wits with crafty Jews like Mitchell Fuerst, Lisa Fuerst, and the Jewish employees that operate Nevada Career Institute.

Organizations like the Nation of Islam and Black Lives Matter asserts that the state of Nevada does not prosecute crimes by Jews or for-profit college scams that target racial minorities, U.S. veterans. Jews become wealthy because no one has the courage to investigate or prosecute crimes by Jews.

Nevada Career Institute has no schools in the Midwest, and certainly not in Minnesota!! Therefore, the sudden attention to racism and injustice in Minnesota can only be attributed to a desire to profit off the death of George Floyd, and others.

Under the German Third Reich administration, we can safely assume that these sort of schemes by Mitchell Fuerst, Lisa Fuerst, and their Jewish parents would be properly dealt with. In fact, Germans have proven themselves as having the ability to prosecute Jews who engage in criminal misconduct, racism, and discrimination.

Possible German charges include fraud, corruption, theft, and conspiracy.

Ghetto Kingpin: How Nevada Career Institute Finds Blacks

How does Nevada Career Institute Finds Blacks? A better question is How does Nevada Career Institute Find stupid Blacks and Hispanics willing to enroll?

Mitchell Fuerst is the Ghetto Kingpin behind Success Education Colleges. Success Education Colleges owns Nevada Career Institute, as well as several more suspicious trade-schools in California.

Mitchell Fuerst has built a fortune off of false hopes, illiterate blacks, illiterate Cubans, illiterate Hispanics, illiterate whites, and matched these persons with inferior training programs, and cheap instructors

Mitchell Fuerst has trained his Campus Directors and white employees how to deceive Blacks, and Hispanics with soft-talk, fake job prospects, phony photo-op pictures, and techniques developed by Jews over 80 years ago.

In fact, Henry Ford was the first American businessman to discuss the deceptive methods of Jews and how they train American gentiles to be racist. Mitchell Fuerst is using the same Jewish Playbook as discussed by Henry Ford: make a fool of blacks and get their money and misuse their talent!!

Wherever African-Americans are, Mitchell Fuerst seems to be looking to make a profit. Nevada Career Institute targets blacks, Cubans, Arabs, Hispanics, veterans, poor white women, and racial minorities for the purposes of making a profit. Nevada Career Institute uses the radio, flyers, public schools, mass racial protests, police shootings, funerals, rest-rooms, domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, jails, street corners, and any location where bodies of blacks may be located.

Even in death, George Floyd cannot escape the marketing pitch of Nevada Career Institute and its Ghetto Kingpin.

If an advertising flyer appeared on the casket of George Floyd, or if an ad was posted to the home door of George Floyd, it was probably put there by Mitchell Fuerst or his Nevada Career Institute.

Nevada Career Institute Shares Data with Police Officers on Employees and Students

Las Vegas Trade Schools Nevada Career Institute programs and reviews

Are you seeking to enroll into Nevada Career Institute or you seeking employment there? First, ask yourself these three questions: 1.) Are you seeking a career or a headache at Nevada Career Institute?; 2.) Are you seeking to sign-up for free police surveillance by the local Las Vegas Metro police department wherein your emails, your phone-calls, and your text messages are being monitored 24 hours per day?;or, 3.) Are you seeking to participate in real-life lessons of racism, discrimination, and humiliation? Nevada Career Institute offers all three programs.

Social Media readers should not be swayed by anything that originates from the mouth of Mitchell Fuerst or his Nevada Career Institute Campus Director when it comes to race, racism, or claims of offering a superior education.

Within 48 hours of posting a deceptive photograph about race, a Black Lives Matter affiliate of this page posted a reply to the cynical post, and claimed that Nevada Career Institute refused to respond to past and ongoing accusations dealing with racism by Nevada Career Institute management.

Nevada Career Institute Karen is accused calling the police on black employees who complain about fraud and who seek enforcement of their wage and labor rights. Nevada Career Institute Karen has been accused of stealing the personal property of black employees; allowing students to cheat on their exams instead of teaching the students the material; refusing lawful requests by minority employees to comply with state wage and labor laws (N.R.S. 613.075); refusing lawful requests by black employees to abide by Nevada privacy laws; using Beylor Meza to insult and demean African-American male employees; and, sharing black employee data and personal phone numbers with local police officers for purposes of tracking, surveillance, and monitoring.

What Nevada Career Institute Karen is skilled at, however, is collecting the money from the scores of African-American, Hispanic, and poor women students.

Many former students and employees alleged that attending or enrolling into Nevada Career Institute has been the biggest personal nightmare for them.

Nevada Career Institute Uses Corrupt White American Lawyers Against Blacks and Persons of Color

Las Vegas Trade School Reviews

American white lawyers defend, protect, and help to sustain the informal policy of systemic racism in the United States.

American white lawyers are the legal equivalent of NAZI SS soldiers for the institution and preservation of White Power.

Although World War II ended more than 50 years ago, a generation of Jews are still trying to censor what really took place in Germany. American white lawyers are helping them.

Did Jews mistreat Germans?? Did Jews discriminate against Germans? Why were the Germans so angry at the Jews? Were Jews really mistreated in Germany? Why are Black Americans angry today?

Germans were being discriminated against just as African-Americans are being discriminated against today.

Under Ghetto Kingpin Mitchell Fuerst, Nevada Career Institute has used corrupt, unethical, filthy, and immoral white American lawyers.

Mr. Sarah Gilbert of the Duane Morris law firm, and a lawyer from Pennsylvania named Michael F. Brown work for Nevada Career Institute. They were hired by Nevada Career Institute owner Mitchell Fuerst.

Victims allege that Mitchell Fuerst hires white American lawyers to suppress the lawful rights of current, former, and prospective black students and employees.

According to the social media profile of Mr. Sarah Gilbert, he is a member of a well-known homosexual group based out of San Diego, CA. Mr. Sarah Gilbert refuses legitimate scientific questions about his gender, and why he wears a dress in public.

Mr. Gilbert also refuses questions about his use of make-up, and why he wears other feminine products designed for normal females.

Aside from being immoral and dirty-minded, what Sarah Gilbert is skilled at is being an American white racist rat.

Former African-American employees of Nevada Career Institute refer to Michael F. Brown as a scumbag lawyer. This analysis is not surprising considering the fact that victims of his client allege that he directs other white American lawyers to ignore all communications from former black employees, ignore all complaints by black students, and instead only accept communications from white lawyers who represent Blacks.

In other words, Nevada Career Institute appears to have a policy in place designed to suppress the lawful U.S. Civil rights of minorities, and black students. They WILL ONLY RESPOND TO YOUR CONCERNS IF YOU HAVE A WHITE LAWYER!!!

The policy that Black persons are not worth responding to are apparently supported by and agreed to Mitchell Fuerst, and his Nevada Career Institute Campus Director.

Nevada Career Institute Careers: Patterns of Institutional Racism and Fraud

Nevada Career Institute Google Reviews

Where are the protestors, and street participants in Las Vegas, NV? Where are the protestors at in San Diego, CA? Philadelphia?

White lawyers and white police officers are equally guilty. Do Black Lives Matter members know where are the places where Institutional racism is actually practiced?

In 1773, African-American Phillis Wheatley wrote the first-ever book by an African-American woman. Her poetic works and creativity were swiftly labeled by white Americans as proof that she was an “uncultivated barbarian from Africa.”

During the same time period, white Americans prohibited African-American men and women from reading, and writing. The opjective was to prevent the development of Knowledge.

From that point forward, African-Americans have faced varying degrees of racism from housing, employment, colored fountains, and blatant NO NEGROES ALLOWED signs in public swimming pools. The racism of today is not as blunt or direct as it was in 1773, but it is real.

Nevada Career Institute Careers: Las Vegas Trade Schools

Nevada Career Institute Careers: Las Vegas Trade Schools

Fast forward to 2020. Nevada Career Institute is the Ghetto Kingpin of trade schools in Nevada because of its ghetto marketing tactics, and inferior programs. White employees of Nevada Career Institute benefit and profit from racism and the fraud of white privilege.

There is no other logical explanation that allows how scores of African-American, minority, and Latino consumers can reach the same conclusions and complaints about Nevada Career Institute.

Brian Meija, an American white male, is an employee of Nevada Career Institute. Brian Meija is the right-hand go-to person for the Nevada Career Institute Campus Director. She relies upon Brian Meija just as she has relied upon other Do-Nothing-White-Males for everthing: advice, printer trouble-shooting, computer assistance, and all technical matters Nevada Career Institute.

A cyber security investigation reveals that Brian Meija was directed to post the misleading, false, and deceptive message that was posted on the Facebook acount of Las Vegas-based Nevada Career Institute.

Although many black studets and instructors have complained about being mistreated by Brian Meija, Nevada Career Institute Campus Director does not terminate white employees; this process is consistent Institutional Racism.

There is nothing spectacular about the training, background, or education of typical white management or instructor employees at Nevada Career Institute.

Brian Meija, for example, is simply a routine white male with a low I.Q. He is too genetically inferior to graduate from a top-tier Division I NCAA school.

Immoral Nevada Career Institute Campus Director Discusses Strippers, Prostitutes, and Vibrators at Weekly Meetings

White Privlege is white racism. The Nevada Career Institute Campus Director has been known to discuss strippers, prostitutes at her Weekly Wednesday, 10:00AM, meetings with staff. She uses an I.P. address associated with Nevada Career Institute searches to also search for companies that sell vibrators.

Imagine if an African-American male or female were to exhibit such immoral conduct. His personal racism, however, allows con-artist Mitchell Fuerst to overlook and ignore every flaw and mistake made by whites. He immediately siezes upon any error made by minorities.

Nevada Career Institute Standards vs. Nazi Germany

Critics contend that Mitchell Fuerst is using the same tactics that Jews complained about during the Third Reich of Germany. Some historians contend that German people were blamed for the behavior of evil Jews who used good Germans for their own immoral purposes.

Mitchell Fuerst has trained his Nevada Career Institute puppets to expect more from African-American and minority employees, especially Black men.

The African-American male is expected to hold a teaching license from an official school district; have a perfect background; and have a Jesus-like reputation, and be an expert in Math, Science, Physics, Chemistry, and English while the white employees at Nevada Career Institue are allowed to be stupid, less intelligent, and come from Division III schools, or have a mail-order degree.

All the while, the incompetent, low I.Q., and dirty-minded Campus Director is allowed to make decisions about the employment of superior, better educated African-Americans who report student cheating, and who are more moral, honest, and ethical?!

These immoral acts by the white Nevada Career Institute Campus Direcor would cause the immediate termination of any African-American employee.

Mitchell Fuerst is simply not capable of ethics, morality, Christian standards, and common sense. As evidenced by the continued employment of a corrupt Campus Director, Mitchell Fuerst is no different and no better than the so-called Nazis of Germany. He sets different standards for the children of God vs. the children of Satan.

George Floyd Death: Opportunity to Profit by Nevada Career Institute

Black Lives Matter Las Vegas , Nevada Career Institute

It is outrageous that Nevada Career Institute and Mitchell Fuerst would attempt to portray themselves as being in union with the Black Lives Matter theme. They claim to be shocked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of white police officers.

In fact, Mary Ann Jefferson personally DEMANDED that white police officers be sent to the homes of Black male employees whose only apparent crime is trying to inquire about the same wage and labor laws entitled to by all Americans.

It is outrageous that Nevada Career Institute, and their white Campus Director would attempt to portray themselves as being in union with the Black Lives Matter theme and claim to support Justice For All when they order, direct, and allow their Human Resources Officer Ethel-Thamis Garcia to set-up different rules for black vs. white employees.

In short, attempts by Nevada Career Institute to market the death of George Floyd as a symbol that Nevada Career Institute is pure and free from racial abuse or racial animus is a direct fraud upon the public, and false advertising.

Nevada Career Institute: Use of Blacks for Photo-Ops to Mask Racism

Nevada Career Institute Careers

Since western Black females are very easy to prostitute for the purposes of maintaining the system of progressive white liberal racism identified by author Dr. Robin DiAngelo, the standards to hire a black female at Nevada Career Institute are very low. Two quotas is always better than 1 quota.

According to complaint files, the standards to hire white males are even lower at Nevada Career Institute. Just have a high-school diploma, and have a decent record. Major crimes are forgivable for white male employees of Nevada Career Institute.

Employers like Nevada Career Institute can disguise their racism by hiring racial props, token Negro employees, using phone screens, using credit reports, and staging photo opportunity pictures with smiling Nevada Career Institute blacks and minorities.

When a white Nevada Career Institute Campus Director wants to take a photo with Negro students, 99% of the time the photo is not sincere. Nevada Career Institute students are so naive (that F- grade in High-School history is taking its toll ), they would not know racism unless it came in white sheets, hooded robes, and SS symbols.

The white Campus Director of Nevada Career Institute brags that her boss is Roy Goines, a black man. Mr. Goines is a racial prop with no authority to hire or fire the white Campus Director at Nevada Career Instiute no matter what damage she causes the school or its reputation.

Nevada Career Institute: White Campus Director Calls Police on Black Employees for exercising lawful rights

Nevada Career Institute programs and reviews

When is the state of Nevada going to shut down Nevada Career Institute? Kelly D. Wuest is the Administrator of the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education. Kelly D. Wuest, a white female, refuses all complaints regarding Nevada Career Institute. How many George Floyd cases does Kelly D. Wuest ned to review?

Are we understanding this correctly? Nevada racist Mary Ann Jefferson authorizes a deceitful graphic of the Black Lives Matter movement on the Facebook page of Nevada Career Institute despite evidence that she personally has been involved in suppressing the U.S. civil rights of Black male employees. Ethel-Thamis, the Human Resources Director, has been accused of stealing the personal propert of minority students and former employees.

Last year, this same hypocrite Mary Ann Jefferson called the police on black employees of Nevada Career Institute who sought to exercise their lawful rights against the Nevada Career Institute for back wages and employees records.

Apparently, when Blacks seek to expose the fraud of Nevada Career Institute by letter or public forum that is considered so threatening that dozens of Nazi police officers are required to respond.

A number of former black female students have portrayed the Nevada Career Institute Campus Director as a lying and scheming white American racist. Review the book White Fragility where the habits of white American racists are discussed.

That is why the State of Nevada, under Kelly D. Wuest, refuses to respond to or rebut evidence of fraud and racism.

Not until African-Americans and Black Lives Matter members started to protest did White Americans start to pay attenntion. Nevada Career Institute is a practioner of Institutional racism. Claims of supporting Blacks Lives Matter by Nevada Career Institute in a May 2020 facebook is a fraud. Claims of being appalled at the death of George Floyd by Nevada Career Institute is deceitful and dishonest.

In reality, Mitchell Fuerst and his Nevada Career Institute will spin any tale they can to get more money from naive Black Americans, gentiles, and minorities. Numerous minority consumer complaints claim: All they want is your money.

Nevada Career Institute says: Black Slaves Matter!

Nevada Career Institute claims on its FaceBook page that Black Lives Matter. In reality, complaint files verify that Nevada Career Institute will not hestitate to suppress any attempts by any Black person who is willing to take advantage of his/her U.S. Civil Rights when applied towards Nevada Career Institute.

Due to the sub-standard education and relatively low I.Q. level of many students attending Nevada Career Institute, it does not take much for a skilled racist to portray herself as being a supporter of Black rights. All she needs to do is use excessive Black Slang, claim to have a South Central L.A. boyfriend, and point to the powerless Negro tokens hired by Nevada Career Institute.

Behind closed doors, the Nevada Career Institute Campus Director has speed dials set for racist white police officers to use on black students, and to use on former black employees.

As a white female, the Nevada Career Institute Campus Director uses her gender and race to provoke a response with local police officers. She will lie, cheat, and even pay monies to corrupt police officers to silence Negro critics.

This is the sort of modern day, institutional white racism that is licensed by the state of Nevada, and apparently endorsed by the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education member Kelly D. Wuest.

Conclusion: Why do many believe Nevada Career Institute is a fraud and public menace?

Nevada Career Institute Reviews

Nevada Career Institute careers bloom when you enroll, but vanish the day you leave.

Julie Dunson sang the National Anthem and was their top student in 2019. After her May 2019 graduation from Nevada Career Institute, Ms. Dunson admitted in a private interview that she could not find a job.

Despite being one of their best students, Ms. Dunson specifically stated that the courses offered by and the training provided by Nevada Career Institute were worthless and inferior.

Try re-stating these facts to Kelly D. Wuest. Is a Grand Canyon University graduate capable of understanding what a for-profit college scam is? Grand Canyon University Kelly D. Wuest can't seem to spot a for-profit scam given unless it wacked her in the face.

Kelly D. Wuest seems to benefit from the kind of White Privilege as does the current Nevada Career Institute Campus Director: incompetent white women given a job based upon race and gender with no ability to solve the problems of their respective jobs!

To prevent blacks from writing letters of complaints or seeking lawful resolutions of their grievances, Nevada Career Institute uses Ku Klux Klan intimidation tactics against its former black employees and minority students while deceitfully posting graphics and phony social media posts claiming to support Black Lives Matter.

Regardless of her staged photo-op pictures with unsuspecting students of color, there is no doubt that Mary Ann Jefferson is a serious and very skilled racist.

The Nevada Career Institute Campus Director knows how to manipulate and control naive black students like puppets on a string. She knows how to probe the simple emotions of black students. She knows how to cultivate and develop Negro tokens to serve the interest of Nevada Career Institute.

The Nevada Career Institute Campus Director knows why she must allow black female students to run wild at Nevada Career Institute, and allow black women students to intimiate Latina women. It's profit!

Students report classroom chaos is constant at Nevada Career Institute. Mary J, students call her, often allows ghetto, loud, and ignorant black female students to disrespect black male educators, non-black females; this is part of the scheme to keep minority students dumb and dependent on white Instructors, etc.

We are not going to publish the names of the students because that is what Mary Ann Jefferson would like for us to do.

She tells her Nazi cop friends that she feels threatened when Black employees exercise their U.S. Civil rights. Mary Ann Jefferson DEMANDS that Nazi cops be sent to homes of black critics, black employees, black activists, and persons of color.

Besides a corrupt Nazi police department, Nevada Career Institute uses corrupt white lawyers to deny basic rights to their African-American and minority employees.

San Diego Cross Dresser Mr. Sarah Gilbert is a member of the Tom Homann Homosexual LGBT group. The Tom Homann LGBT group is a perverted cast of characters rejected by their own parents.

Sarah Gilbert is a corrupt lawyer that helps to maintain systemic racism, and discrimination.

Mr. Sarah Gilbert does not know his/her gender or sexuality let alone anything related to laws and facts. Sarah Gilbert is a disgrace to his own parents. That is what a worthless law degree from U.C.L.A. does for you.

It would not be surprising if San Diego lawyer Mr. Sarah Gilbert is a typical white American male or female who has a sexual relationship with the family dog.

Philadelphia lawyer Michael F. Brown knows racism, and discrimination. As a white American male, that is what he does 24 by 7. He helps corrupt institutions like Nevada Career Institute suppress the rights of African-Americans, and others.

America's corrupt and Nazi white lawyers are trained to ignore all letters and communications from former blacks, hispanics, and persons of color.

Are you owed wages or employee records by Nevada Career Institute? Their corrupt white lawyers will pretend that Blacks do not exist.

Nevada Career Institute, and their corrupt white lawyers should be avoided at all costs.

Let them all rot in Hell, where their father Satan, awaits them.

That's our opinion.