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Professor Ron, Phd., J.D.

Fact Checker: Ms. LaWanda E, Media Analyst
Last Updated:Monday, March 31st 2025
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Black Pages Trending: News Affecting Black Americans

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Why Should You Support Black Pages?

Black Pages provides uncensored, politically incorrect, and culturally-correct reporting. We uplift our community with positive images of strength, intelligence, artistic, and moral values.

We report upon persons and groups who are perceived to be threats to the safety, liberity, security, and the U.S. Constitutional rights of African-Americans in general.

We believe in economic independence, supporting all Black-owned businesses, and partnering with those who recognize the importance of economically successfully black-owned businesses.

We do not support violence of any type! Nor do we support pets, insects, or puppets.

When you subscribe or join the Black Pages Directory, you are helping yourself, your community, and you are supporting a voice that Google Inc does not want to hear. You are supporting a voice that Asians want to censor. You are supporting a voice that Neo-Nazis want to silence.

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We support persons with melanin, spirit, and color. We also cherish our fellow Americans who are not blessed with our beautiful melanin, spirit, or style.

Timeline for New 2025-26 Black Pages Directory

We are upgrading our world-class Black Pages Directory for the purpose of achieving world-wide search engine dominance. We are ranked #1 Google, Yahoo, and Bing, and every search engine on the Internet.

Welcome to our new and exciting Black Pages Directpry. We have listened to your suggestions. We have implemented manynew features, updated our content. changed our website design, but we remain focused on one objective: uplifting our talented and creative Black business entrepreneurs.

We also expose stories that Google search engine refuses to index.

Heading into 2024, politics will be a big issue. Are you still supporting 4-time criminally indicted Donald Trump? Are you still supporting his crooked candidates? Black Republican Tim Scott dropped out of the race.

Tim Scott has been talking to so many white donors, hanging around with so many of his Master's friends, is that the guy still can't think. The Black Page Dirctory could have told Tim Scott from day one that very white Americans would vote for a BISCO.

We support minority-business persons. We support persons whom support us! We do not support puppets, and those who do not support African-American children, families, Black men, and women.

Why Blacks & Hispanics Should Reject Corrupt Danielle Ford for School Board Trustee District F

Danielle Ford, Las Vegas NV

Why should African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans reject Danielle Ford for School Board Trustee District F? There are plenty of reasons why Danielle Ford should be rejected. She is unfit, unqualified, a liar, and too stupid to be re-elected as Clark County School District Board Trustee for District F.

Despite being a Caucasion, a white American female, and therefore privileged, Danielle Ford could not even graduate from a simple local Las Vegas high-school. She is a self-admitted high-school dropout and a divorcee.
Specifically, Danielle Ford was too busy being immoral, spreading her dirty legs around like a filthy tramp, and ultimately becoming pregnant with two children, and divorced: all by the age of 21!

Danielle Ford has a history of making anti-black students!

Black Pages News

Danielle Chio Tied to Anti-Black Statistics

Danielle Pieper-Chio is the judicial candidate for Las Vegas Justice Court Department 9. She is endorsed by the suspicious Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce.

Las Vegas Chinatown is bounded from the Interstate 15 to Rainbow. The major cross-streets are Spring Mountain & Arville Ave. Las Vegas Chinatown has more than 20 strip malls with over 150 sloppy, messy, and virus-tainted Oriental restaurants.

The statistics of the Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce towards Black Americans is not just a coincidence, it is a deliberate, and illegal pattern of discrimination.

Stroll through the shops and restauratants of Las Vegas China Town. Not a single Black employee! Not a single Black manager! Not single legitimate minority person!

Danielle Pieper-Chio has accepted an endorsement from the Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce.

Established in 1986, the suspicious and dirty Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce, formerly known as the Pacific and Asian Chamber of Commerce of Nevada, was formed to serve Asians. The literature of the Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce reads like a 1950's style Ku Klux Klan promotion. Every dominant message is pro-Asian.

Danielle Pieper-Chio refuses to denounce the Las Vegas Asian Chmaber of Commerce or even address these ugly statistics of blatant racism !

Black Pages News

Terrible Nevada Judicial Candidate Agnes Botelho

Clark County, NV Prosecutor Agnes Botelho

In September of 2021, the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection announced a judicial vacancy for District Judge Vacancy in Eighth Judicial District, Department 11 (XI).

At least 13 Nevada lawyers submitted judicial applications, including Agnes Botelho.

In her own words, Agnes Botelho makes these false and unproven claims:
"I possess the character traits that a good jurist should have – the strength and fortitude to do the right thing, a strong work ethic, a deliberate and thoughtful mind, and the drive to ensure that justice is served... I am intelligent and hardworking..."

As further evidence of her lack of intelligence and lack of moral character, Agnes Bothelo makes this unconditional statement:
I am the best choice to fill the vacancy in the Eighth Judicial District Court, Department XI, because I am a highly trained and experienced trial attorney who can immediately step into the role of trial judge in both criminal and civil matters..

In fact, Agnes Botelho presented no such evidence to substantiate these baseless claims. A high-school student could have submitted a better judicial application than Agnes Botelho.

Agnes Botelho is an egotistical liar! What else is new?

If there is anyone that doubts the unfitness, moral values, severe low intelligence level, and lack of integrity of Agnes Botelho to become a Las Vegas Justice Court, Department 16 judge, all your evidence is contained in the explosive judicial application she submitted to the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection.

Officially, the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection refused to advance the judicial application of Agnes Botelho due to the fact her application evidenced her incredible incomptence, her persnal stupidity, and her lack of ethical values.

Despite her rejection, she is now trying to convince the dumbest of Nevada voters to vote for her as the Las Vegas Justice Court, Department 16 judge.

Black Pages News

Why Clark County, NV Prosecutor Danielle Chio Can't Be Trusted as Judge

Clark County, NV Prosecutor Danielle Chio Can't Be Trusted as Judge

Judicial Candidate Danielle Chio Can't Be Trusted as Judge. A political review of Las Vegas Justice Court candidate Danielle Chio by Black Pages Directory.

Las Vegas voters deserve to know about the rotten judicial campaign of Las Vegas Justice Court, Department 9 Judicial candidate Danielle Pieper Chio.

If you study her career, prosecutorial record, her friends, the money trail, something stinks about Danielle Chio.

Danielle "Pieper" Chio is a crafty Oriental who knows how to scratch the back of others to earn an endorsement. On February 21, 2022, Danielle "Pieper" Chio donated $400 to the campaign of Steve Wolfson.

On the same day, after speaking with her mother by cellular device, Danielle "Pieper" Chio persuaded her mother Jill Hiatt to donate an additional $500.00. Two Oriental pets.

Danielle Pieper Chio practices censorship to hide the the truth from Nevada voters. She contacts Google Inc, Instagram, and others to block indexing of content that reveals the true facts how she is totally unqualified to become a judge.

Danielle Pieper Chio petititons Google Inc to hide images that portray the true side of how Danielle Pieper Chio would be a terrible judge. Of more than dozen images posted about Danielle Pieper Chio, the Oriental-controlled Google Inc. has not indexed a single one.

That alone proves Las Vegas judicial candidate Danielle Pieper Chio is corrupt, and no better than the criminals she is assigned to prosecute.

CodeSwitch Las Vegas or PurseSwitch: Why Liberals Support Black Girl Code and Organizations that Exclude Black Boys

CodeSwitch Las Vegas, Black Girls Code

In 2016, Google Inc. reportedly provided Black Girls Code, a suspicious organization that exlcudes Black Boys, a $2.8M Teaching Space at its Headquarters in NYC.

Nike, Inc., and a host of other organizations have also donated to suspicious organizations operated by Black Women that exlude Black Male youth.

$40 million later, and I still have not meet a single Black Female programmer, and neither have I ever met a single Black female programmer, except my daughter.

Black Girls Code is a suspicious organization founded by Kimberly Bryant that deliberately seeks to make Black Girls "the future of the African-American family" by belittling the superior intellect, the superior moral values, and the superior energy of Black male youth.

Tonya Walls, who founded CodeSwitch Las Vegas a/k/a/ Restorative Justice for Girls of Color, has expressed similar ideals to Black Girls Code.

Business Coaching

Many persons feel that Black Girls Code and similar organizations like CodeSwitch Las Vegas, a/k/a/ CodeSwitch Las Vegas a/k/a/ Restorative Justice for Girls of Color are really nothing more than CIA-sponsored Black Male Hate Groups ran by Black women who are sell-outs, puppets, and pawns.

Liberals fund suspicious organizations ran by Black women under the pre-text of "helping the black community" when in fact the real objective is a racist and insidious plot to deliberately undermine the academic progress of Black male youth while simultaneously creating a network of Black female sell-outs, pawns, and puppets.

The creative racial propaganda scam is barely recognizable if not for their blunt brain-washing literature. "Black Girls Are the Future of the Black Community" "Black Girls are Brilliant", "Black Girls Only.", "Black Boys Exclused." Quite naturally, this formula is a magnet for American white male faggots, racists, female lesbians, and Child Moleters who work at Fortune 100 companies like Google, Nike, etc.; They can always count on Uncle Tom Black women to keep their perversity a secret while Black women profit from donations.

All the while, the educational needs of black male youth are deliberately ignored!!

Black Girls are being brainwashed to think they are "better" than boys when in reality Black Girls are simply better Prostitutes. No one fears Black women, except their white male husbands/boyfriends. Black women are not a threat to other women.

Let's be clear: College educated Black men are viewed as a threat while easy, cheap, and sell-out Black women are viewed as a date. This simple fact sums up the success of organizations like Black Girls Code or CodeSwitch Las Vegas a/k/a/ Restorative Justice for Girls of Color. Exclude Black Male Youth=Donations!!

As a general rule, any organization ran by Black women that does not focus on Black Male youth, or does not collectively support both Black Boys and Black Girls, is probably a scam operated to undermine the future of the African-American community.

The roster of Black female sell-outs is extensive: Black Girls Code Founder Kimberly Bryant, Oprah Winfrey (The Color Purple), Author Toni Morrison, Diana Ross, Tina Turner, Serena Williams, or stinking Black whore Omarosa Manigault; Donald Trump's person Negro slave until the Trump family freed her from her dog leash and fired that stinking and musty Black Skank!

Oriental Judge Regina Chu Shows World How Corrupt Many Asian Judges Are!

The trial of Kimberly Potter, the former police officer charged with manslaughter in the fatal shooting of Daunte Wright during a traffic stop has been a national event.

Asian female Regina Chu has been a judge in Hennepin County for nearly two decades after being appointed in 2002. She had previously worked in a private law practice and, in the 1980s, for the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office.

Asian female Regina Chu allegedly earned her law degree from William Mitchell College of Law in St. Paul, Minn., which is now known as the Mitchell Hamline School of Law. What she does not reveal is her background as cheap Asian female when she was in her 20's looking for men to sleep with.

Despite all of her academic credentials, the fact remains that Regina Chu is still an Oriental female. What this means is that Regina Chu will act like, think like, and be corrupt like the typical Asian female.

Regina Chu had a simple task. Follow the recommended sentencing guidelines for murder convict Kim Potter. Like a stupid Oriental without a brain, Regina Chu could not even do that.

When does a Black person convicted of Murder or Manslaughter get a 2-year sentence?? Excuse me, the convict was actually a white female. I guess thar explains the loe sentence.

The actions of dirty, immoral, and dishonorable Oriental Judge Regina Chu is common in American Courts. She chose to display her bitter racism despite a world-wide audience who was watching her.

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Asian Hate or Exposure of Oriental Facts

Black Pages Directory: Asian Hate or Exposure of Oriental Facts?

African-Americans have a legitimate complaint against Asians. Asians refuse to hire Blacks. Asians protest college admissions policies that favor African-Americans. Asians claim that the teaching of racism should not be included in American schools but they constantly keep talking about how Japanese were allegedly (without evidence) were banished to Internment Camps during WWII.

Asian Hate or Exposure of Oriental Factss?! Oriental facts, not hate, help expose the true nature of Oriental culture, and how it impacts African-Americans, persons of color and well-rounded American white women.

It is the Oriental female that plays a leading role as the White Man's Toilet Paper, and helps incite racism, discrimination, and evil.

Out of all races and groups of females on Earth, it is the Oriental female that uses her personal self-hatred to fuel hatred in others. Indeed, interracial marraige statistics compiled over decades verify that the Oriental female has the highest percentage of marrying a white male amongst all minority groups.

Whether they are mail-order brides, prostitutes, grocery store workers, lawyers, judges, doctors, news correspondents, or white-collar professionals, the Oriental female is obsessed with finding an American white male to marry or date.

In fact, virtually every News correspondent in America that is an Oriental female is also married to, dating, or has plans to become the Toilet Paper of an Ameican white male.

NBC News Correspondent Kathy Park, News Anchor Vicky Nguyen, Oriental golfer Michelle Wie, and numerous Oriental females in a position of influence deliberately have sought to bribe, deceive, or encourage an American white male to accept their filthy and foul-smelling body.

The apparent thought process is that marrying a white American male will somehow insulate the Oriental female from criticism or elevate them apart from their Oriental male counterpart.

It is no coincidence that a high percentage of corrupt politicians, corrupt police officers, police unions, and even married American white males chose the dirty, lying, filthy, low-life, and anti-God Oriental female as their partner in adultery, their wife or their supporter.

The Black Pages Directory is the only publication in the world that ties the connection between Oriental wives, American racism, political corruption, and how the conduct of the typical Oriental female adversely affects others.

Nevada Judge Soonhee Sunny Bailey fulfills Promise to Corrupt Nevada Judiciary

Black Pages Directory: Sunny Bailey

In reviewing the judicial rulings issued by Clark County Family Court Judge Soonhee Sunny Bailey over the First Quarter of 2021, it is apparent that the court rulings of Soonhee Sunny Bailey tend to match the political contributions she received from Neo-Naze white Americans, and others.

Minorities, African-Americans, and persons of color are consistently on the losing end of judicial rulings authored by Soonhee Sunny Bailey.

Soonhee Sunny Bailey, like 99.9% of all Oriental females, has been the White Man's Toilet Paper since puberty. That is a fact not in dispute. Look at the typical Asian female and her husband!!

Yes, there is more attention being paid to Asians in American. Some African-Americans regard Asian females as a A Human Virus or Ms. Wuhan. These are not necessarily racist terms, but are really expressions of frustation.

Let's be clear. Soonhee Sunny Bailey is as corrupt as most Oriental judges: She will not enforce a single law, or regulation against her mythical gods, an American white male as long as the law benefits a minority. Soonhee Sunny Bailey is a wilfull Oriental Racist.

Should Oriental females married to American white males be barred from becoming a judge?? That is a very legitimate question.

Why Liberals love Kamala Harris

Black Pages Directory: Kamala Harris and Joe Biden

Dirty, corrupt, unqualified, and lowly Kamala Harris is the best candidate that Joe Biden could apparently select as his Vice-Presidential running mate.

Senile Joe Biden effectively eliminated all qualified men when he stupidly announced that he would only fill his quota with a female. Indeed, better qualified and more superior candidates were never considered. Qualified African-American men were never considered.

Indeed, this is the stratgey of the racist Democratic Party. Always keep a loyal, unqualified, and black female sell-out on hand.

There is no coincidence in the rise of black female prosecutors, black girl Mayors, black girl government workers.

Kamala Harris is the ultimate black girl trickster that liberal white men love: Help us keep Black men in check, and put them all in prison when presented an opportunity.

Kamala Harris has more than fullfilled her role as a tramp for liberal Democratic Party racists. She is now being rewarded for her immoral actions in the recent past; her skills as a liar that she developed from her Jewish husband; and, she is being rewarded for being a loyal and stinking black female whore who will sleep with, date, and marry any white or Jew as long as she personally benefits.

100 Donald Trumps are better than 1 whore Kamala Harris!

Public Rebuke to Kamala Harris. Cory Booker for Vice-President

Kamala Harris has slept her way to political fortunes. Kamala Harris prosecuted Black men at day, and slept with white men at night.

Cory Booker for Vice-President! Joe Biden should not select a black female with a law enforcemnt career because Black females cops are easily turned into prostitutes.

Kamala Harris stinks! She smells! The marraige of Kamala Harris and her prosecution record against innocent Black men is evidence that she is a sell-out. 'Ho Kamala cannot be trusted!

Protests in the United States and Worldwide Focus on Systemic Racism and Abuse

African-Americans, racial minorities, and men and women of color are finally waking up to the fact that institutional and systemic racism exists.

The Black Pages Directory is reporting upon hypocritical Jewish-owned, and white-owned businesses that publicly claim they support the Black Lives Matter Movement, but privately suppress the U.S. Civil Rights of African-Americans and racial minorities.

Nevada Career Institute located in Las Vegas, NV is an example of a racist, discriminatory, and abusive institution that saddles blacks and minorities with debts while providing an inferior education. Many Blacks and Hispanics are unable to find jobs afterwards, and many quit Nevada Career Institute programs when they realize the inferiority of the programs.

Black Lives Matter activists and NAACP join effort to recall Las Vegas City Councilwoman Michele Fiore

Michele Fiore Las Vegas

The Las Vegas Sun reports the group Expel Michele wants to remove Michele Fiore from office after she made racist and inexcusable comments the Clark County Republican Party.

Like Mary Ann Jefferson, Michele Fiore is a racist American white female who refuses to look herself in the mirror. Michele Fiore weighs over 180lbs. She is an over-weight, obese racist who is upset about her eating episodes, and blames African-Americans for her inablity to lose weight, and attract fit white American males.

The pizza-chomping, donut-lusting, cake-eating Michele Fiore is currently a Las Vegas City Councilwoman. Due to demands and protests, Fat Michele resigned her position as Mayor Pro Tem Michele Fiore.

The recall petition has until the second week of September to collect 1,911 signatures.


Facebook Group Pushes For Colin Kaepernick Statue On UNR Campus

An effort is underway to place a statue of University of Nevada, Reno alumnus Colin Kaepernick on a Nevada campus.

The Facebook group “UNR Alumni Campaign for Statue of Kaepernick Kneeling in Mackay Stadium” was started June 13 and already has more than 450 members.

Colin Kaepernick brought attention to racial injustice, police brutality, and white America's system of racism by taking a knew while America's racist anthem was being played.

Kaepernick played for the University of Nevada at Reno from 2007 to 2010 before joining the NFL, playing for the San Francisco 49ers.

Nevada Career Institute Campus Director Compared to Central Park Karen

Black Pages Directory

Nevada racist Mary Ann Jefferson being compared to New York, NY Amy Cooper. Ms. Amy Cooper has been vilified on social media for calling the police on an African-American male and claiming the man was threatening her life.

In fact, the video produced by her victim showed that Central Park Karen (Amy Cooper) acted like an entitled, and privileged American white woman racist who was never threatened.

A New York Times investigation further demonstrated that pale face Amy Cooper was having an affair with a married man that she tried to purchase for over $60,000.00

In the viral video, Central Park Karen is attached to her dog. It is routine for many American white females to have unsual affections for their dogs, cats, and other family pets.

Nevada Career Institute Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson made identical allegations against former Black employees although none were even near her. Sources report that Mary Ann Jefferson telephoned police and screamed that "My former Black employee is threatening me. He is on campus. I am a white woman who is afraid!" In fact, Mary Ann Jefferson is a liar, a Nevada racist, and a con-artist. There is no evidence to support her false claims that any black employee was a so-called threat.

What educated and sane Black man wants to lower himself ro trash? Who wants to be near a smelling, obese, 354lb, racist white female? Food, personal hygiene, and racism are the biggest enemies of Mary Ann Jefferson, not any Black man!

Positive Effects of Coronavirus on Racism

The Coronavirus has had many negative, as well as positive affects on society. Less crime. More discussions. Less racists in America.

In fact, thousands of racist white Americans and their family members have perished from the Coronavirus.

According to theories of White Supremacy, white Americans are supposed to be immune from all manners of sickness, disease, natural disasters, virus strains, etc.

American white business owners are not making as much of a profit, and are unable to discriminate against a larger pool of qualified African-Americans due to declining profits.

Government agencies have had to furlough white Americans who were hired based upon white privilege.

Some religious scholars believe that the timely Coronavirus is retribution for abusive, racist, and discriminatory acts.

Valid Reasons Why African-American Women Should Date White Men

In today's climate, this is an excellent opportunity for African-American females to date American white men. Thousands of persons are unemployed, and the Coronavirus continues to rule America.

African-American females who are lesbians, mentally sick, or have an STD, or unable to bear children should consider dating or marrying a person who is colorless, pale, and who is white.

African-American females seeking to disrupt a family, or aquire assets and wealth, should consider the playbook of Meghan Markle: Marry a white man to divide, and conquer his family, and reap his assets.

The massive racial protests on the streets worldwide are leaving many American white males as disillusioned. Many American white men are seeking Negro girls as compensation for having their Confederate Flags removed.

Should Joe Biden Avoid Black Female Cops as V.P.?

Should Joe Biden Avoid Black Female Cops as V.P.? The answer is a resounding 'Yes'. Current names being tossed about include Kamala Harris, and Val Demings.

Both Kamala Harris, and Val Demings have law enforcement backgrounds. This means they were trained and educated to be whore for judicial whores for the institution of racism against Black men.

Kamala Harris, and Val Demings are failures within the Black community, but winners in the community of institutional racism.

Both Kamala Harris and Val Demings would love to accept the pick of the V.P. Their careers as law-enforcement officials, however, suggests that Kamala Harris and Val Demings are corrupt Uncle Toms. They will sleep with any white man that helps to further their careers.

Nevada Judicial Candiate Soonhee Sunny Bailey.

Sunny Bailey for Judge

What's wrong with Sunny Bailey? Sunny Bailey is the banana running for judge in Nevada. She is backed by The Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada, police unions, corrupt lawyers, and white Nevada racists who refuse to accept the new reality.

Should Black Lives Matter start marching at the door steps of the Sunny Bailey home? Is that what it will take for white Nevada residents to pay attention to the facts about Sunny Bailey?

Let's be clear. White Nevada residents DO NOT expect Sunny Bailey to be a real judge. They expect Sunny Bailey to be a subservient, foot-licking, stooping, bending, Yes Ma'am, Oriental puppet on the bench.

Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval rejected each and every judicial application put forth by Soonhee Sunny Bailey while he was governor. Sunny Bailey is a pawn for the preservation of judicial corruption, and she will use her White Fever worship of White men to create years of corruption.

Asian and Oriental females are the most loyal pet dogs of white America in general, and white men in particular. They will fetch, bark, lie, sit, and stand when ordered to do so by their white male masters.

Nevada Career Institute Directory Offers Free Resources for Careers

Nevada Career Institute College

The Official Nevada Career Institute Directory is a free directory that provides resources and reviews for persons seeking a Nevada career. The Nevada Career Institute Directory specializes in medical, nursing, and healthcare fields, and covers many areas where the demand for jobs is the greatest.

If you are seeking a career, a job, or simply desire to pursue an additional profession, diploma, or certificate, the Official Nevada Career Institute Directory provides recommended resources and career options to guide you in the right direction.