Professor Ron, Phd., J.D.

Last Updated:Saturday, March 08th 2025

Mar 2025 Investigation of U.S. Senator Tim Scott U.S. 2024 Presidential Campaign

U.S. Senator Tim Scott, the only Black GOP Republican candidate in the 2024 Presidential campaign recently announced he was suspending his U.S. Presidential campaign. This comes within 48 hours of U.S. Senator Tim Scott announcing a suspicious relationship with a blue-eyed, pale-skinned blond woman.
The conduct of U.S. Senator Tim Scott should NOT really surprise anyone. Look at the typical character of many Black Republicans. They are detached from reality, unpredictable, and cannot be counted upon when it comes to simply telling the truth!
Like the failed U.S. Senate campaign of Hershel Walker, Black Republicans were born to be servants of whites and Jews. Black Republicans were born to quit. Black Republicans were born to be unpredictable. Black Republicans were born to give-up unless their objective is handed to them on a silver platter. Black Republicans were born to serve, to promote, and to endorse white criminal defendants, white Republican traitors, and to serve white American insurrectionists like Mr. Donald Trump.
U.S. Senator Tim Scott is a worthless Republican Black man. He cannor be trusted! Clearly, U.S. Senator Tim Scott should have never entered the race to become a U.S. President. U.S. Senator Tim Scott was goaded into running for office by his Republican donors, and contributors. After it was determined that U.S. Senator Tim Scott could not even out-poll Nikki Haley, white Republicans goaded U.S. Senator Tim Scott to quit before a single vote was cast.
Why White Voters Rejected Traitor Rebublican U.S. Senator Tim Scott

Why White Voters Rejected Rebublican U.S. Senator Tim Scott? After spending over $20 million dollars, Tim Scott is back to step 1: A rejected Negro man. Wow! The Black Pages Directory could have spared Rebublican U.S. Senator Tim Scott the humiliation and millions of wasted dollars.
After associating with all those white American persons on a daily basis, Tim Scott still can't accept the fact that the vast majority of Southern and Midwest white voters will NEVER accept a
Apparently, Rebublican U.S. Senator Tim Scott does not fully understand white Americans. As former Civil Rights leader Malcolm X learned the hard way, even a traitorous Uncle Tom Negro is not a guarantee to be accepted into the open arms of White America.
Being a traitor, does not erase a guilty verdict!!!
Dirty Relationship of Mindy Noce and Unethical Rebublican U.S. Senator Tim Scott

The fact that Tim Scott had to set-up a Presidential campaign, and meet thousands of white Americans, and endure their phony smiles, and fake personalities, AND still not understand their voting records, is simply further evidence that Republican U.S. Senator Tim Scott is totally unqualified to be a U.S. President.
There are white American men and woman that understand the issue of race better than Rebublican U.S. Senator Tim Scott.
t should be no surprise to anyone that a lying and scheming U.S. Republican Senator Tim Scott simply "quit" his campaign hours after he was publicly seen with a Jewish female.
Mr. Scott characterized his suspicious companion as his "girl-friend." despite the fact that: a.) the woman has three children with another man; b.) the woman is divorced; c.) the woman is clearly not a virgin; d.) the woman was too weak and too irrelevant to convince U.S. Senator Tim Scott to continue his campaign.
A Black Pages Directory Reporter attempted to reach out to the mysterious so-called "girl-friend." named Mindy Noce for comment, but she refused all inquiries or simply failed to reply.
What is clear is that the woman selected by desperate Republican U.S. Senator Tim Scott to be his girl-friend (Mindy Noce) is not eligible to be Nun anytime soon. She and her grimy former husband Jay Noce were sued for nearly $2 million for fraud-related claims.
South Carolina Court Records Tied to Mindy Noce: What Else is Scheming Republican U.S. Senator Tim Scott Hiding??
Like a lying Jew, the real name of Mindy Noce is actually Melinda Noce. Court records within the South Carolina Court of Appeals paint a disturbing picture of Mindy Noce.
Mr. William Burkey filed William BURKEY, Respondent, v. Peter Jay NOCE, Melinda Noce, DDLabs, Inc., AvVenta Worldwide, Inc ., AvVenta Worldwide, S.A., AvVenta Holdings, LLC, and Wild Dunes Investments.
According to court records, Mr. William Burkey sued the Jews alleging the following causes of action: "breach of contract, fraudulent breach of contract accompanied by fraudulent act, defamation, breach of employment contract in violation of clear mandate of public policy, South Carolina Payment of Wages Act, and declaratory relief invalidating unlawful and unenforceable covenant.".
A further check for prostitution-related arrests for Mindy Noce has thus far yielded incomplete results.
Rebublican U.S. Senator Tim Scott has refused requests by Black Pages to release the complete prescription records of his girl-friend Mindy Noce to ascertain if she has been prescribed Herpes-related prescriptions or other STD complications. The Publisher offered Mr. Scott an even exchange and the offer was still refused.
The fact that Rebublican U.S. Senator Tim Scott introduced a blonde-haired, pale-skin, and stringy-haired female on a political debate stage is clear evidence that Rebublican U.S. Senator Tim Scott is as dumb as his pathetic academic trabscripts suggest.
Tim-the-Ape is simply too dumb to be a U.S. Senator, let alone a U.S. President. Look what state he represents? A backward, no culture, and antique South Carolina!
South Carolina is the same backward state that approved Slavery because the residents were too dumb to be creative, and too lazy to do the work by themselves.
What is also clear is that the standards set by Mindy Noce to choose her male sleeping partners are on pare with the standrds of a typical street-walking South Carolina prostitute.
Conclusion: Failure of Rebublican U.S. Senator Tim Scott

Rebublican U.S. Senator Tim Scott has a history of failed personal and political relationships. One look in the mirror is a complete summary of why Tim Scott appears to attract the most desperate of women.
An Internet search for "Miss South Carolina Mindy Noce" yielded no results. After giving birth to three children, what really is left of Mindy Noce for any man?? Think about that fact!
The failure of Rebublican U.S. Senator Tim Scott's U.S. Presidential campaign simply confirms that Black Republicans are of no value to the Republican Party.
It is critical for voters to understand the optics of a Black male or female bringing a white partner to a political debate stage.
Tim Scott wanted white Republican GOP voters to understand that he can be counted on as a sell-out. However, the same white Republican GOP voters had long ago dismissed Rebublican U.S. Senator Tim Scott's U.S. Presidential campaign as a distraction.
Tim Scott was never taken seriously by anyone. Tim Scott was great for comedy fodder: A dark-skinned Black Republican man who thinks he is actually white. LOL.
Tim Scott the Fool. Tim Scott the BISCO. Tim Scott the Quitter.
Good luck to Tim Scott and his entertainer girl-friend Mindy Noce.