Who is Las Vegas Judicial candidate Madilyn "Leavitt" Cole?

Mar  2025   Madilyn Cole for Judge: Saturday, March 08th 2025

Madilyn Michelle Fitzpatrick, a/k/a Madilyn Cole, also known as Madilyn "Leavitt" Cole is a classic "Becky"; a privileged, dumb, and spoiled white girl. Madilyn Cole is totally unft. Madilyn Cole wants to become a judge over persons she has NOTHING IN COMMON WITH AND WHO SHE REFUSES TO EVEN SOCIALIZE WITH.

Madilyn Cole posted a public video on youtube evidencing her marriage to Taylor Cole. Apparently, from what is shown, NOT A SINGLE BLACK, OR HISPANIC, OR POoR WHITE, or NATIVE-AMERICAN was invited!! The marraige of Madilyn Cole, a sitting Clark County District Attorney, was an all-white affair! No persons of color were invited or allowd! Or, they were deemed not important enought to show in the video!

Swallow that fact for a moment! This spoiled skank wants to be a judge over persons of color that she finds unsuitable to invite to her wedding, or even socialise with.

The fact that Madilyn Cole is also a graduate of Brigham Young University should raise alarm bells. BYU and Salt Lake City, UT are known as breeding grounds for Karens, Beckys, Neo-Nazis, social perverts, and persons of the Mormon faith.

What "Becky" wants, "Becky" gets!

Madilyn Cole is determined to become a judge over poor people, over racial minorities, and over persons she wrongfully prosecuted while granting favors to her rich white donors.

Madilyn Cole for Judge: Stupid Madilyn Links Closure of Resort Court to Cynthia Cruz

Mar  2025   Madilyn Cole for Judge: Saturday, March 08th 2025

By now, we all know that many of Madilyn Cole's friends have very low standards when it comes to voting for Republican Presidential and political candidates. Despite having 34 Felony convictions, a $450 million dollar judgment, and having a New York City jury rule that he sexually assualted and/or raped E. Jean Carroll, a poll suggests that many of her white friends, supporters, and donors are still supporting Mr. Donald Trump.

As it turns out, many of Madilyn Coles white friends, supporters, and donors also have very low standards when it comes to supporting judicial candidates. The supporters of Madilyn Cole are willing to ignore every flaw of Madilyn Cole to help "Becky" get a high-paying gig as Judge.

Anyone that has listened to Madilyn Cole speak, or anyone who has reviewed her prosecutorial record, understands this woman is either missing a few marbles in her brain or she needs to seek a refund for her cheap BYU law degree.

For example, Madilyn Cole has sought to link the closure of the Las Vegas Strip Corridor Court to her judicial opponent, incubent judge Cynthia Cruz.

On September 20, 2024, local Las Vegas news outlets anounced the sudden closure of the popular Las Vegas Resort Corridor Court. Local media reporting the closing of the popular court stated the closure "...may be linked to the sudden resignation of a judge from her senior role at the Justice Court".

Like her unethical mother Michelle Leavitt, Madilyn Cole spoke without admitting or knowing all the facts. Madilyn Cole sought to portray the closing of the Las Vegas Strip Resort court as a "lack of leadership" that could be traced to her opponent incumbent Judge Cynthia Cruz.

"“[Madilyn] Cole’s statement regarding the closure of the Resort Corridor Courts is not only incorrect but completely off base. Her remarks reflect a total lack of understanding of the issue. Ms. Cole has never attended a judges’ meeting and clearly knows nothing about the collective vote taken by all of the judges—a vote that was conducted to ensure fairness."

There it is. An incumbent Judge rebuking Madilyn Cole who has no idea what she is talking about.

Madilyn Cole is running a judicial campaign like a political campaign. Critics should react accordingly.

Madilyn Cole and her sick family want to remove an experienced judge Cynthia Cruz and replace Cynthia Cruz to a genetic duplicate of Michellle Leavitt.

Unlike Madilyn Cole, Judge Cynthia Cruz is not going around Las Vegas, NV soliciting and begging money from high-priced lawyers, or seeking donations from the friends of Steve Wolfson, or compromising her judicial integrity.

A vote for Madilyn Cole is a vote for Corruption, Lack of Accountability, Exclusion, and a vote for more of the same from Michelle Leavitt.

Madilyn Cole is a product of the same tree that rooted Michelle Leavitt. Take that Madilyn!!

Judicial candidate Madilyn "Leavitt" Cole Has Never Prosecuted Any Important Persons!

Mar  2025   Madilyn Cole for Judge: Saturday, March 08th 2025

Who has Madilyn Cole actually prosecuted?? Can anyone of the dumb, low I.Q., Genetic Waste supporters of supporters of Madilyn Cole name a SINGLE person that Madilyn Cole has acutally prosecuted!?? I doubth that!

When using various search engines looking for major cases iniated by and " prosecuted" by Madilyn Cole, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING comes up.

For example, Madilyn Cole has never took on and prosecuted any corrupt Las Vegas multi-millionaires or casino operators. Madilyn Cole has never prosecuted any stock-fraud, Union embezzlement, junk bond schemes, insider-training fraud, election fraud schemes, or complex white-collar fraud cases.

Madilyn Cole has never prosecuted any rich, influential, white or Asian businessperson, either.

Madilyn Cole is way too dumb to prosecute sophisticated white-collar cases, and too cowardly to prosecute anyone except the poor, Black, and persons of color.

In other words, to put it in simple terms, Madilyn Cole HAS NOT prosecuted anyone of such significance that it merits official publication in wide-spread media.

That little "Becky" brain of Madilyn Cole can only process so many legal statutes; she strives to keep it simple!

At the same time, Madilyn Cole was hired as a so-called "prosecutor."

In theory, one could suspect that Madilyn Cole tormented, harassed, and bullied the uneducated, the poor, racial minorites, and those persons victimized by an unjust system that her little brain cannot comprehend.

In a perverted twist, Madilyn Cole wants to use her experience of incompetence and corruption to become a judge!!

Madilyn Cole For Judge. Why she uses the name Madilyn "Leavitt" Cole

Madilyn Cole for Judge and Taylor Cole

Imagine if Taylor Cole, the pathetic flop husband of Madilyn Cole, were a multi-millionair in his own right. Or, if Taylor Cole had accomplished something rather than being a failed product of Major League Baseball.

It is a certainty that skank Madilyn "Leavitt" Cole would emphasize the name Cole vs. Leavitt.

Madilyn "Leavitt" Cole is running against Honorable Cynthia Cruz for Las Vegas Justice oourt, Department 5.

Unlike Madilyn &#Leavitt" Cole, Judge Cruz is using her real name. Judge Cruz is not attempting to prostitute a dead persons' legacy who is unable to speak for himself and who is unable to dismiss the claims of Madilyn Cole.

According to the Madilyn Cole Exposed website, Madilyn Cole has nothing to show for the name of Madilyn Cole, and nothing to show for her marraige to Major Leaague Baseball flop Taylor Cole. Therefoore, Madilyn Cole feels compelled to use her grandfather's last name. That all she has to stand on. Nothing!

The family of Taylor Cole and Madilyn Cole has been a complete failure.

By becoming a judge, Madilyn Cole can then brag she doubled her low salary from being a widget prosecutor!!

Conclusion: Madilyn Cole is NOT a "Judge for the People."

Mar  2025   Madilyn Cole for Judge: Saturday, March 08th 2025

The supporters and friends of Madilyn Cole can vote for their darling Becky all they want to. A vote for Madilyn Cole is a vote for corruption. The Eighth Judicial District Court of Nevada has had enough corruption when dealing with the mother of Madilyn Cole, who is Michelle Leavitt.

Madilyn Cole has no experience as a judge; does not have the diverse background to become a judge; censors her best critics; avoids contact with Blacks unless she is seeking votes or wants a framed defendnat to confess to a crime he/she did not committ.

Black, Hispanic, and Native-American voters should be able to see through the fraud and deceit of the Madilyn Cole for judge campaign. She is pals with other unqualified judicial candidates, including Danielle Chio, Agnes Botehlo, Rebecca Wolfson, Erika Mendoza, and others.

In her entire career, from grade-school high-school, at Brigham Young University, and incuding her long career as a so-called "Clark County, Nevada District Attorney", neither Taylor Cole, or Madilyn Cole, or Michelle Leavitt, has had a single Black friend worthy enough to be invited to the whites-only wedding video of Madilyn Cole!

Yet, a privileged Becky with a little brain, and big purse, wants to buy votes to ensure her election?!

As a Pro Se defendant, or plaintiff in the courtroom of Madilyn Cole, you will lose and have no chance.

If you hire a lawyer who did not donate to the Madilyn Cole judicial campaign, you will lose.

Madilyn Cole has a list of her biggest donors. She will not recuse herself if a donor law firm appears in her courtroom.

If your lawyer is not connected to the Leavitt family, or you did not donate a large sum to the Madilyn Cole for Judge campaing, you should not be so stupid as to think that your case will be treated fairly.

Based upon all the Leavitt family drama, and the factt the mother of Madilyn Cole has a rap sheet of unethical conduct, the daughter can't be too different.

Look at Michelle Leavitt. Madilyn Cole looks like her mother, thinks like her mother, and smells like her mother.

The wedding video does not lie! Not a single Negro in sight. Not a single Mexican. Not a single person of color.

Return the favor! Vote No against Madilyn Cole and return her back to the caves of Brigham Young University!!

That's our opinion. What's yours?

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