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Last Updated:March 31st 2025
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Mar 2025 Dirty Tracy Hibbetts Guaranteed Appointment to Become Judge by Nevada GOP Governor Joe Lombardo

Hong Kong Immigrant Mei Ling Tsun-Man uses the fraudulent name of Tracy Hibbetts to market herself to Nevada voters. Whatever her true name, Mei-Ling wants to Make Nevada Dirty Again!
Instead of honoring the democratic will of over 106,000 Nevada voters who succuessfully and legally voted to REJECT Mei Ling Tsun-Man a/k/a/ Tracy Hibbetts, both Tracy Hibbetts and her Las Vegas, NV GOP husband Brian Hibbetts now want to shove his personal Oriental puppet down our throats just like China shoved the Coronavirus DOWN THE THROATS OF EVERY AMERICAN!!
Like 99% of all Oriental females, Tracy Hibbetts is nothing more than a mindless, submissive, and dutiful puppet who relied upon the Asian Playbook of Dirty Politics to advance her career.
Brian Hibbets is a former cop for the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police department. Derek Chauvin was a former cop for the Minneapolis Police Department. Both white/Jewish males married Oriental females. Brian Hibbets is friends with Nevada GOP Governor Joe Lombardo. Both are GOP Republicans! Oriental puppet Danielle Chio was appointed to become a judge by the same GOP Republican Governor Joe Lomabardo and she too is married to a Las Vegas Police Officer!
Do the math! Oriental puppet Mei Ling Tsun-Man a/k/a/ Tracy Hibbetts WILL BE APPOINTED AS JUDGE! The process is rigged!!
It aint that difficult dumb Nevada people! Everyone can see the corruption!! Tracy Hibbetts WAS PROMSED TO BECOME A JUDGE TO FULFILL HER PERVERTED DESIRES AS A CORRUPT ORIENTAL JUDGE!
Mei Ling Tsun-Man Hibbetts is a fraud, and she will further corrupt the Nevada judiciary!
Nevada GOP Governor Joe Lombardo is set to approve Las Vegas lawyer Tracy Hibbetts to become a judge in the Eighth Judicial District of Nevada, Department 27. There is a legitimate concern that Tracy Hibbetts has unethically exploited her marraige to Las Vegas cop Brian Hibbetts as an advantage over other judicial candidates. This strategy is consistent with the Asian Playbook of Dirty Politics.
The Asian Playbook of Dirty Politics is the go-to guide for Asian-Americans and Orientals to get elected and to gain judicial appointments in America. This infamous book guides Orientals to take advantage of low I.Q. white GOP Americans and money-hungry Jews to exploit their appetitite for corruption. For example, the Asian Playbook of Dirty Politics explains how Oriental females dominate perverted massage parlors frequented by weak white/Jewish male GOP politicians.

Despite HIV, herpes, syphillis, ghonorhea, and the Coronavirus affecting numerous Asian businesses, business is still booming for Yellow Fever women. No matter how ulgy Asian females are, there is always a pervert attracted to a dog-faced, insect-looking, racist P.O.S.
Like Kellie Chauvin, Mei Ling Tsun-Man a/k/a/ Tracy Hibbetts, most Oriental females are attracted to and marry Police Officers who are also registered Neo-Nazis (GOP Republicans).
Nevada Assemblyman Brian Hibbetts married his Coco-Chow for one purpose: he wanted a submissive Oriental puppet who also hates Hispanics, hates Native-Americans, hates Palestinians, hates Arabs, and hates Black Americans, and he wants her personal pet to be a Judge over others!!.
" The deep hatred by Oriental females towards Black-Americans, Hispanics, and Native-Americans is all because such groups do not share the same sick fetish towards insect-looking Oriental females as weak American white males!! That is a cold fact that describes 99.9% of all Asian females and why they marry American white males. The men of Germany, Russia, and Italy have higher standards."
It should therefore be no surprise that Mei Ling Tsun-Man a/k/a/ Tracy Hibbetts filed an application to become a Judge with a conservative GOP Politician who is friends with her husband Nevada Assemblyman Brian Hibbetts.
Nevada GOP Governer set to Appoint Crooked Tracy Hibbetts Despite Embarassing Defeat in 2022

It took a Civil War for Jews and their puppets to understand that the institution of slavery was not a sustainable form of political policy.
It took massive daily protests, the video-taped murder of George Floyd, and many other victims, to bring attention to GOP Police Officers police brutality.
The Rodney King demonstations in 1992 in Los Angeles helped to expose how corrupt, evil, and racist that slant-eyed Orientals like Tracy Hibbetts are towards African-Americans.
China helped devise, engineer, and distribute the Coronavirus all over the world. Weak America did nothing!! Millions have died!
China has sold cheap, worthless, products to Americans, and Americans are still buying the same goods!!
Recently, a minority defendant attacked a corrupt Nevada judge in the court-room.. The judge was corrupt and the media refuses to reveal that basic fact!!
Despite her embarassing defeat in the Nevada Primary Election of 2022, and her dog-face attributes, Mei Ling Tsun-Man a/k/a/ Tracy Hibbetts just keeps on licking .
Mei Ling Tsun-Man a/k/a/ Tracy Hibbetts sought the elusive Justice of the Peace, Las Vegas Township, Department 6 judgeship despite better candidates in the field. Jessica Goodey, Augusta Massey, and William Gonzalez.
On June 14th, 2022, Tracy Hibbetts, a former Clark County, NV Public Defender, was soundly defeated at the polls by Nevada voters.
The message was clear: Nevada voters are not ready to accept another Toilet Paper Wipe as a judge regardless of her wealth. Indeed, Soonhee Sunny Bailey is doing a fantastic job in that role at Department I, Clark County Family Courts, 601 N. Pecos Rd.
Oriental Judicial Slut Soonhee Sunny Bailey is well known to disregard all laws, conveniently forget all relevant statutes, and to disregard all ethics inorder to appease the emotional well-being of any GOP Republican white Jews.
Tracy Hibbetts sought to become another Soonhee Bailey. Both Soonhee Bailey and Tracy Hibbetts are members of the Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce. This is a suspicious and blatantly racist organization with ties to China.
Not only did Tracy Hibbetts lose, she was embarassed!! The Las Vegas Toilet Paper Wipe out-spent her nearest competitor (Augusta Massey) by over 400% but barely edged the better qualified African-American woman candidate.
Clearly, Mei Ling Tsun-Man a/k/a/ Tracy Hibbetts DOES NOT understand the word 'No'!
Both Mei Ling Tsun-Man a/k/a/ Tracy Hibbetts and Danielle Chio are married to Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Officers; officers sworn to harass, intimidate, and violate the alleged "U.S. Contitution" a worthless document and piece of trash that Neo-Nazi cops and their Oriental Coco-Chow wife refuse to respect when the tables are turned.
Judicial Appointees Tracy Hibbets and Danielle Chio Fail Smell Test!

Black judicial candidates fully understand that the Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection has no credibility. It is a gangster operation of white-washed Hispanics, white Jews posing as Gentiles, and corrupt Nevada State Bar lawyers who serve as rubber-stamps for MAGA politicians. Only Jews, Orientals, and Momons are considered.
Former President Donald Trump was right when he coined a new term for Oriental women who marry American Caucasion men: Coco-Chow. Too bad Mr. Donald Trump could not be more precise. He would be more popular and supported if he referred to Oriental females as Ms. Wuhan or Ms. Virus, or Ms. Pie-Face.
Phony Republican Brian Hibbetts wants his Ms. Wuhan to be a Nevada Judge. He will get his wish, but Nevada voters are not required to respect ANY Ms. Wuhan! Ms. Tracy Hibbetts Wuhan is a racist, selfish, extremist, and corrupt Oriental puppet supported by a corrupt GOP Nevada Governor who is willing to ignore the 100,000+ Nevada voters who worked to DEFEAT Oriental puppets.
Judicial Appointees Tracy Hibbets and Danielle Chio Fail Smell Test! The appointments of Tracy Hibbetts and Danielle Chio to be a judge ARE NOT legitimate because Joe Lombardo himself is not legitimate. He cheated to become Nevada Governor; he endorsed a 4-time criminally-indicted suspect; he ignored a $450 million judgement levied against his hero and role model; and he hypocritically supports a criminal suspect while also claiming to represent "Law & Order".
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce President Ms. Peter Guzman also supports corrupt Oriental puppets. Peter Guzman is a Mexican punk sissy of the GOP Republican Party establishment. He was born a coward just like the Mexican politicans in Los Angeles, CA who secretly make disparaging commnets amount non-Hispanics.
Peter Guzman was appointed to the Nevada Commission on Judical Selection so he can serve the same corrupt purposes as Hispanics serve in Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL; Houston, Tx, else where.
Hispanics and Orientals destroyed Los Angeles, CA with their corruption. They will do the same to Las Vegas, NV!
Political Twink Joe Lombardo Guarantees Tracy Hibbetts to Be Appointed Judge for Eighth Judicial District Court, Department 27

Mr. Donald Trump demands that his male supporters serve as his personal political twinks. Joe Lombardo is a Trump-Sucking Faggot! Mr. Lombardo will get on his knees to service Donald Trump.
Tracy Hibbetts has BEEN PROMISED TO BE APPOINTED JUDGE!! That is a fact! The other candidates will not even be considered. As demonstrated with the unethical appointment of Danielle Chio, Joe Lombardo (the coward who allowed more than 1,000 persons to be killed by a single gunman), Tracy Hibbetts is assured of achieving her corrupt dream of forcing Nevada voters to accept a crook as a judge. No Democratic Governor accepted her. No Republican Governor accepted her either.
Brian Hibbetts is using his influence as a former Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Officer to ensure that a former cop (Joe Lombardo) appoint his wife so she can achieve her perverse desires.
Conclusion: Derek Chauvin vs. Brian Hibbetts. Kellie Chauvin vs. Tracy Hibbetts. Is there really a difference?

Oriental females must be exposed for what they are truly are. They are nothing more than mindless, dutiful, and submissive puppets filled with self-hatred. Expecting an Oriental female to be fair, impartial, and respecting your U.S. Constitutional rights is like the Ku Klux Klan having dinner with the N.A.A.C.P.
Las Vegas, NV hair-dresser Alexis Von Schleider posted a social media message on Instagram summing up the general ignorance of white Americans: "You don't know what you are talking about" in her defense of judicial candidate Tracy Hibbetts. Neither did George Floyd fully understand or prepare for the sheer brutality of white racism.
Privileged, pig-tattoted, and ugly Las Vegas, NV white-girl Alexis Von Schleider, a Las Vegas, NV hair-dresser, knows as much about Oriental racism as her white-German ancestors should have known that Blacks were never chattel. It took more than 200 years for her pathetic ancestors to understand a simple genetic principle.
One can argue that EACH AND EVERY WHITE NEVADA RESIDENT who supports Oriental puppets like Tacy Hibbetts do so because they are no better than their disgusting, evil, corrupt, Hell-bound, slave-owning ancesters.
Fortunatley, many American white woman are not willing to tolerate such outrageous actions as Oriental females are willing to accept! This is why weak white American males gravitate towards Oriental females; a social fact that that dumb-ass Las Vegas resident Alexis Von Schleider apparently never knew.
Hello dumb white American P.O.S. Alexis Von Schleider! Enjoy that Chinese Coronavirus. Watch out for that spy ballon overhead. Oh, don't forget to use Tik-Tok to fry your pathetic brain waves!! Thank you China!!
Tracy Hibbetts is no different than Kellie Chauvin. Both LOVE AND ADMIRE NEO-NAZI GOP REPUBLICAN COPS!!
On the other hand, Black-Americans are free to exercice their brand of racism: "Where are the real representatives of the Nationalist Socialist Workers Party of the Great Third Reich?? Orientals would not be allowed in the front door of a Berliner court-room, let alone become a Judge over German citizens. Legitimate representatives and members of the Nationalist Socialist Workers Party do not marry or appoint Orientals.".
The American GOP Party is a cheap, watered-down, version of German Nazism. The American GOP Party is controlled and funded by rich Jews.
Derek Chauvin is a white Jew who unfortunately missed the train. That is the type of language that Donald Trump and his Jewish inlaws will never use!
For more uncensored News, opinions, and free-speech concerning the privileged Oriental community, a new website called the Sunny Bailey News Channel has been developed.
Keep track of Oriental crimes, their assault on Black Civil Rights, and their use of Espionage to infiltrate U.S. Courts, government jobs, and the U.S. Military.
That's our opinion. Thank you!