Top ContributorBlack
Professor Ron, Phd., J.D.

Fact Checker: Ms. LaWanda E, Media Analyst
Last Updated:Friday, March 28th 2025
Mar  2025   Lessons Learned In Life

Mar 2025 Black Pages Report: Boston, MA Mayor Michelle Wu Recruits Police Against Critics

 Black Pages Report: Boston, MA Mayor Michelle Wu Recruits Police Against Critics

According to the American Military News, a corrupt Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, a/k/a/ Michelle Wuhan, is facing criticism for after her administration admitted to creating a list of her most vocal online critics and providing it to local police authorities.

Michelle Wu spokesman Ricardo Patron said in in a statement to the Boston Herald that "The list was made in response to a request from the Boston Police Department after the Mayor had been harassed and physically intimidated by critics....". The excuse used by Michelle Wu asserts that the list of her critics were supplied to the police for "security conscerns.". In fact, Michelle Wu is a blatant liar.

The first-term Oriental mayor Michelle Wu has been a lightning rod for critics due to her dishonesty, her lack of ethics, her blatant agreement to be a Toilet Paper Wipe for Republican white males despite her claims of being a Democrat, and for trying to force Boston citizens to be vaccinated against Covid 19.

When mainstream Boston, MA news outlets (Channel WCVB) sought to interview Michelle Wu about the secret Hit List Against Critics, Michelle Wu tucked her tail between her legs and hid in the Mayor's Office like the Marxist coward she was raised to be.

Boston, MA resident Rob Burke has been a regular protestor outside of the home of Michelle Wu. This fine American gentleman held up a sign hnd-painted sign that evoked the Chinese flag and included the words, "Woke in Wu-ville." He explicitly suggested that Wu, the daughter of Taiwanese immigrants, is a Marxist.

"Marxists are always racist, and they're always liars," Burke said. "So, Michelle, take a hike. Do what you got to do; leave these guys alone. Leave the police alone — the fire and the teachers alone."

China is now threatening the progress and accomplishments of African-Americans. China now has the world's second largest economy despite the fact that the vast majority of products imported from China do not work; do not last long; and are made with inferior materials. A pair of Chinese-made socks bought from Walmart on Monday will not last until Friday. That is outrageous!

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu Passes Ordinance Limiting Free-Speech Protests

 Black Pages Report: Boston, MA Mayor Michelle Wu Recruits Police Against Critics

The main-stream website asked readers if they felt that Boston, MA protesters had gone too far by gathering outside Michelle Wu's home. 91% of the protestors making up more than 2,000 readers who responded to the poll said there was nothing wrong with how they were choosing to protest.

The fact that democratic majority approved protesting on city streets meant nothing to suspected Communist Michelle Wu. As is typical with Asians, the U.S. Constitutio does not really exist. The typical Asian politician views the American Consititution as a temporary speed bump in the road. After all, Asians attacked 50 years of Affirmative Action success for African-Americans, and Hispanics. When Asians refused to accept Harvard's Admissions' criteria, Asians sued and forced the U.S. Supreme Court to dismantle Affirmative Action. The United States is weaker for their efforts.

Americans are now subject to a robotic culture of digits; press#2 for Spanish; flawed speech recognition software; robots answering the telephone; Google Search engine flaws; and other ills related to the robotic culture of Asian personality flaws.

Michelle Wu made her mark. Acting like an Oriental who views American Free-Speech Rights as temporary speed bumps, Michelle Wu is the first Mayor of Boston, MA to lobby for and get approved an ordinance that places retrictions on free-speech.

not until dirty an no-good Michelle Wu became elected, Boston, MA residents wer eassured that public sidewalks were safe places to protest. Now, out of convenience to a sick Michelle Wu, Boston, MA residents have heard their voices muted by at least 100 yards. This helps Michelle Wu sleep and not have to hear lgitimate protests aginst her corrupt regime.

Black Pages Report: Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, Nevada Judge Danielle Chio, Infamous Judge Sunny Bailey Use Google Products as Police Weapons, Censorship, and Surveillance Tools

 Black Pages Report: Boston, MA Mayor Michelle Wu, Nevada Danielle Chio, and Sunnu Bailey Tied to Illegal Police Tactics

Black Pages Report: Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, Nevada Judge Danielle Chio, Infamous Judge Sunny Bailey Use Google Products as Police Weapons, Censorship, and Surveillance Tools.

Boston, MA Mayor Michelle Wu is an Oriental. She is also a racist liar that uses police profiling to target authentic minorities and African-Americans.

During her campaign for Mayor, a dirty and disgusting Michelle Wu used the secretive guide Asian Playbook of Dirty Politics: A guide for All Asians to Get Elected in America.

Michelle Wu used the secretive Asian guide to trick minority voters, and liberals into voting for her.

The Google search engine penalized the opponents of Michelle Wu, and refused to index a single website operated by Boston, MA black residents that oppsed Michelle Wu.

Once this dirty Oriental politician was elected, Mayor Michelle Wu flip-flopped on her campaign promises to dismantle the Boston Regional Intelligence Center (BRIC). The Boston Regional Intelligence Center is a suspicious data-gathering operation that purports to gather intelligence in order to prevent so-called terrorist attacks in the area. In reality, BRIC’s gang database are currently being investigated for racial bias by the Massachusetts attorney general.

Despite the fact that all five of the Boston, MA City Council members of color voting against increasing funding for BRIC, and despite claims of racial bias, Toilet Paper Wipe Michelle Wu was determined to serve her Neo-Nazi fan base. Michelle Wu therefore decided to renege on her campain promise. She further is alleged to use the same database to spy against her critics.

The double-dealing liar Michelle Wu has demonstrated herself to be a liar, and a con-artist. When asked explicity if she supported China, Michelle Wu failed to immedidately respond. However, Many Oriental female politicians are well-known to be just like Michelle Wu.

Las Vegas, NV citizens opposed to Judge Danielle Chio created the Danielle Chio for Judge website as a reminder of Nevada judicial corruption.

Soonhee Bailey, a/k/a/ Sunny Bailey, another Oriental female judge, is widely regarded as the only Unconvicted Judge in America. Judge Sunny Bailey is widely suspected of forcing a popular American judge into early retirement inorder to allow Soonhee Bailey to set up her personal judicial regime.

Nevada Judge Soonhee Bailey, a/k/a Judge Wuhan, a/k/a Sunny Bailey, has worked with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to monitor the Google products of her critics. In the past, Judge Wuhan has referred to her critics as "racists&34 despite clear evidence she has been judged by her character. Sunny Bailey also was formerly married to Prosecutor. The mariage did not last because the Neo-Nazi she married eventually realized that a fetish relationship will not last.

Judge Danielle Chio is married to a Las Vegas Metro Police Officer. Judge Danielle Chio has also been endorsed by numerous police and spying organizations. Like Sunny Bailey, and Michelle Wu, Judge Danielle Chio has used the highly successful Asian Playbook of Dirty Politics to become a judge.

Black Pages Report: Use of Google Tricks to Undermine Public Safety and To Censor Free-Speech

 Black Pages Report: Google Ranks Dismantled Judge Chio Website as #1

Michelle Wuhan, ak/a/ Michelle Wu, is an angry Boston, MA mayor. She is angry at her many critics She is angry at protestors showing up t her home. She is angry because Boton, MA voters now know that Michelle Wu is corrupt. Her innocent victims know she is corrupt. The voters were tricked into voting for her.

The Black Pages Directorty welcomes all Black-owned business in the Boston, MA area. We support the struggles of Boston, MA residents.

Google products ranging from Gmail, Google Photos, Android phones, Google Meet, are all designed to spy on critics. If Google does not want you to receive an important gmail then the gmail will be blocked and you will never know.

If Google wants to block or undermine any apps on Android, Google can do that too. Based upon law enforcment requests (all without a court order) Messaging apps will not work; 9-1-1- calls are disabled. As for your Black life being murdered, Google does not care about. Surveillance is more important.

If Google wants to lock you out of your own account(knowing your password, and backkup pone) is not goof enough, the dirty Orientals thar run Google can and will lock you out of your Google accounts under the excsue "For the security of your account."

Danielle Chio, another puppet promoted by the Asian-ran Google Search engine uses her law enforcement friends to spy on critics; undermine their online e-commerce websites; spy on their phone contact's lists; etc. All of this accomplished is accomplished using Google Products.

Google is also well known for classifying your legitimate emails as SPAM. This is designed to profile Black-owned businesses as typical of "theft or spam".

Asian employees of Google Inc concoct absurd excuses to justify that Google, Inc., not the owner(s) is the best judge of your own security.

Now you can see why Google Inc. hates college-educated African-American males and refuses to hire them. College-educated Blak men with backgrounds in programming can see through the fraud, the corruption, and the deceit of Google.

Aside from Android, or the Google search engine, Google Inc does not a have a single legitimate product that the company did not steal from another company. Google employees are the least creative. Most Google ideas have failed. .

Law enforement is now Google's biggest customer.

Working for Google, Inc is like working for the Ku Klux Klan, except that your supervisors are all Orientals, or persons that look and smell like they came from another planet. ,

A copy of this report was sent to all subjects for review and admiration.

That's my opinon. Please share this article.

Mar 2025 Black Pages Network News: Politics

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