Professor Ron, Phd., J.D.

Last Updated:Monday, March 31st 2025

What is White Silence?
White Americans have a moral, religious, and social obligation to educate their children about the evils they ave wrought in society. Unlike the Nazis of Germany, White Americans are still in power and have no desire to relinquish their power to African-Americans or Native-Americans or to Hispanics. The phrase What's Good for Black America, is Good for All America still hold true. When Blacks succeed, America succeeds!
To judge white Americans, one need simply review their history and their present admiration for politicians that are no better than Nazi-era politicians. Auther zzz has detailed the crime and social-fraud of White Silence in her book "The Deafening Silence of Whites". She recalls the fact that White Silence is "experienced by members of the White culture who, during discussions of racial tension, experience emotions ranging from shame and guilt to anger and despair. When these feelings are not addressed, White students begin to resist talking about certain topics such as race and privilege. This resistance is called White silence (Tatum, 1992)". In her book, an Autobiography on Racial Identity, Frankenberg (1996) described her experience with White silence as a time "when I was terrified to speak in gatherings that were primarily of color, since I feared that anything I did say would be marked by my whiteness, my racial privilege (which in my mind meant the same)" (p. 14).
During this period in her life, Frankenberg described her experience of being White as "shameful, painful, and full of bodily discomfort.". Indeed, all white Americans should be completely ashamed of the extreme evil, cruelty, and devil behavior they have inflected upon civilized, moral, and God-fearing peoples across the Globe.
Numerous authors have addressed White Silence, but the main-stream media of course remains silent. No surprise. The White Silence has simply produced a Godly backlash. More mass shootings against whites by whites; climate change; more white children with ADHD; more of Donald Trump being popular (yes, white Americans love affair with Donald Trump is actually a vessel to punish White America, and level White America with Nazi Germany).
White Celebrities Who Are Silient: Black Pages Directory
Tom Brady may a great N.F.L. quarterback, but has he thanked his black teammates for all those Super Bowl wins. When has Tom Brady taken a knee? Never! Tom Brady is complicit in White Racism. He is a coward!!
The Official Black Pages Directory is documenting White Silence. Taylor Swift! 1. Johnny Depp! . Al Pacino! All of of White America's most well known movie stars, white athletes, white Executives, and ordinary white citizens, are required to Speak Up Against Racism, and Speak Up Against the Horrors of White Evil in the World.
White evil consists of police brutality; teaching Black women to hate themselves; promoting the myth of Asians being the so-called model minority because Asians are generallt submissive, and subservient to White America; promoting pale skin as beautiful; refusing to hire better educated, and more talented African-Americans; targeting college-educated Black men; using Jews to control financial and media institutions, cheering for Blacks in sports but discriminating against Blacks in housing, jobs, and healthcare.
N.B.A. players from Europe also have an obligation to to Speak Up Against Racism. Dirk Nowitzki may have married a black girl, but that does not forfeit his obligation to Speak Up Against Racism. Sleeping with a desperate black girl during the night, while her lback brother is persecuted at day, represents cowardice on the part of Dirk Nowitzki.
N.B.A. player Luka Doncic also has an obligation to denounce White American racism, white American evil, and the horrors that White Americans have inflicted upon Black Americans, and the Native Americans.
Black Pages Directory: Authors Who Highlight White Silence Should be Celebrated
The Black Pages Directory will highlight authors who are demanding that more White Americans Speak Up Against Racism, and Speak Up Against the Horrors of White Evil.
Please review the following reference sources on White Silence.